Votre salle à manger peut être la taille parfaite pour votre famille immédiate, mais que se passe-t-il à la période des fêtes lorsque vous avez besoin pour accueillir de grands groupes de personnes ? Selon la taille de votre famille, vous pouvez figurer dehors des solutions temporaires et permanentes. Si vous êtes petite famille Location de chaises et de tables peuvent être une option. Alors que si vous avez une famille nombreuse qui ne cesse de croître, vous aurez besoin d'une solution à long terme. Voici des conseils pour aider votre salle à manger à accueillir plus de personnes.

Assess your current dining needs: How large your family is, how often you entertain, and if you have more than one dining area will help you assess how much seating you actually need. For those that don’t entertain often, renting chairs/tables or buying inexpensive folding ones may be a solution. If you have a formal and informal dining room, your problem may be solved by using both dining areas when large parties come to your home. Assess if you have other areas to use as well: outdoors, adjacent spaces, etc..

Group seating: One solution to fitting more people at the table is to use group seating. Benches whether they are fixed or movable are good way of maximizing space as opposed to individual seats. Benches are especially good for children who are smaller and can sit closer together without feeling uncomfortable. Share seating from adjacent rooms: If you have an open floor plan, sharing seating with and adjacent room like a kitchen island or living room can be a viable option. This concept works well when entertaining a large group of people that are all involved in different activities, such as mingling, eating, and small conversation areas. If you do entertain a lot, consider buying sectional seating that can accommodate more people as opposed to only single chairs.

Consider moving outdoors: Often times the solution may be to move your dining party outside. Depending on the season and your outdoor area, porches, patios and outdoor lawns are a perfect backdrop for dining and entertaining. Outdoor areas will give you more room to stretch out and will give the interior of your home a rest from being over populated. Outdoor entertaining is also ideal for children to have area to run around until it is time to eat!

Get creative: For some homes the reality of having permanent furniture on hand for large party entertaining isn’t feasible. Whether it is because of limited space to house more furniture, or the finances to afford it. Get creative and pull chairs from desks in other rooms, and use small movable ottomans for kids. Sometimes the art of entertaining is being able to make do with what you have. After all your guests just want a seat, it doesn’t have to always have to be a five star dinner! Make the most of what you have and enjoy having your large party of guests.
Siège de grand groupe est possible grâce à nombreux égards. Déterminer de quoi se compose votre style de vie culinaire et divertissant et faites de votre coin salle à manger se marier avec lui. Si vous transformer votre cuisine ou salle à manger, envisager la construction d'un bâti en banc coin salon dans un recoin de la baie vitrée. Vous allez acquérir un siège supplémentaire et vous allez adorer la façon dont votre espace salle à manger semble par la suite !
Freshome lecteur que vous avez une salle à manger qui s'adapte à une grande quantité de gens ? Quelles sont vos solutions pour le montage de tout le monde dans ? Laissez-nous vos commentaires ci-dessous.